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José Antonio Castorina [8]José A. Castorina [1]
  1.  51
    Extending the Conversation on Moral Judgement Development: Relations Between Social Intuitionism, Constructivism and Cultural Psychology.Alicia Viviana Barreiro & José Antonio Castorina - 2022 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 19:181-202.
    This paper aims to extend the dialogue between social intuitionism and the genetic perspectives of moral psychology, pointing out the contributions and limitations of each one to advance in the understanding of the formulation and transformation of moral judgments. An examination of how the relations between the subject and the object of knowledge have been approached in the light of the contributions of constructivist psychological tradition has been proposed. The relations between emotions, reasoning, and the specific social situation in which (...)
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    Hacia un análisis de los marcos epistémicos del big data.Gastón Becerra & José Antonio Castorina - 2023 - Cinta de Moebio 76:50-63.
    ResumenEn este trabajo queremos indagar sobre algunas cuestiones epistemológicas que se discuten en torno al fenómeno del big data. Como principal herramienta de análisis epistemológico utilizamos a la noción de Marco Epistémico formulada por Piaget y García, y revisada por nosotros en trabajos más recientes, para problematizar los condicionamientos de los valores éticos y políticos, así como de otras regulaciones, en el desarrollo del conocimiento científico. Para ello, proponemos ordenar los debates que se registran en la literatura reciente sobre big (...)
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  3. Nothingness as the dark side of social representations.Alicia Barreiro & Jose Antonio Castorina - 2016 - In Jytte Bang & Ditte Winther-Lindqvist, Nothingness: philosophical insights into psychology. New Brunswick (U.S.A.): Transaction Publishers.
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  4.  33
    Towards a Dialogue Among Constructivist Research Programs.Gastón Becerra & José Antonio Castorina - 2018 - Constructivist Foundations 13 (2):191-198.
    Context: Constructivist epistemology is not a doctrinal set of clear and consistent theses and assumptions but a movement full of tensions, with minimally integrated lines of discussions. Problem: This situation explains why it is so difficult to come up with a general definition of constructivist epistemology that could serve as a starting point to study its several research programs systematically and comparatively. Method: We compare the constructivist epistemologies of Jean Piaget, Ernst von Glasersfeld, Humberto Maturana, and Niklas Luhmann regarding tensions (...)
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  5.  30
    Gladys Palau: En memoria.José Antonio Castorina - 2016 - Análisis Filosófico 36 (2):299-301.
    En Sentir, desear, creer: Una aproximación filosófica a los conceptos psicológicos, Diana Pérez se plantea una empresa ambiciosa, análoga a la de Ryle en The Concept of Mind: dar cuenta de manera integral de la ontología, la epistemología, la semántica y, en parte, la psicología de los conceptos de los diversos estados y procesos psicológicos. La aportación principal consiste en una perspectiva genealógica, basada en el modo en que se atribuyen tales conceptos, desde una posición realista. Para ello, se desarrolla (...)
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  6.  19
    The development of social knowledge: towards a cultural-individual dialectic.José Antonio Castorina & Alicia Barreiro (eds.) - 2023 - Charlotte, NC: IAP, Information Age Publishing.
    The result of a deep research work sustained for more than two decades, this book studies the construction of social knowledge from a constructivist perspective inherited from Piagetian thought. It thus advances in a process of revision and discussion, while maintaining crucial aspects of this current for the approach to the construction of the subject and the object of knowledge, in the search for the elaboration of an explanatory theory for the formation of new knowledge. A collaborative proposal between different (...)
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